Okay, since here at DFW/Denton/Lewisville Bankruptcy we’re always addressing serious topics, I decided to keep it light today. There’s a story buzzing around the internet that a 3 year-old recently got an American Express Gold Card application in the mail. Also, there are many report of dogs and cats getting credit card offers. If that’s […]
The Bankruptcy Code Provides Extra Help to Disabled Veterans
In 2005, The Bankruptcy Code was revised, making it more difficult and sometimes impossible for many debtors to obtain relief under Chapter 7 of The Bankruptcy Code. Disabled veterans were excepted from some of the new eligibility requirements that affected most debtors. If you are a disabled veteran who became disabled while serving your country, […]
What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Everybody has bills. Perhaps you must be late on a payment or miss one entirely. It isn’t ideal for your credit score, but in the present condition of America’s economy, lots of people need to “rob Peter to pay Paul.” If this really is you, you most likely don’t need to think Bankruptcy, not just […]